Letters To and From Spirit
Please help me. I feel myself being pulled into the ego’s confusion, and I do not wish to believe it but to instead look at it with you. Part of me wants companions. Family. Friends. Others I can relate to. Part of me wants it badly, and feels really sad if it feels like I don’t have it. Part of me sees this “wanting” of “others” as ego, but I also know that it has been said that I benefit from perceived “others,” such as you, Spirit, while I believe I am a separate being. Please help me understand this as you would have me.
Spirit, please help me.
My child,
Well done on quickly noticing confusion and bringing it to me so we can look at it together. The ego is often confused and it sometimes is bringing level confusion into your understanding. The ego hears that there are no others, and wishes to simultaneously deny this while also using the information to make you bad/wrong at the same time. Thus ego is the source of seeking others, but is also the source of judging yourself for seeking others. How foolish is this! When you look at it with me you easily see.
You have been told that denying your experience is a most unworthy form of denial. To deny yourself love and connection with your perceived brothers would only serve to reinforce ego’s narrative that you are all alone and unloved. Then ego can keep you seeking while also chastising you for seeking, telling you that you are fooling yourself in joining with others. Step back from this charade. Do not fall for ego’s trap. It keeps you in a bind and prefers to do so because this seems to prolong its illusory existence. By stepping back and looking at it with me you change this insane pattern for yourself.
You’ll notice that what you are being taught to do is “join” with a perceived “other” in me. How, then, could it be wrong for you to “join” with your perceived brothers? I do not speak in contradictions and keep you stuck between competing judgments the way ego does. If I tell you it is helpful for you to do and say things while you appear to be here, I mean it. No trick, no trap like the ego.
It is helpful for you to join and extend love to your brothers. It is ok to find and enjoy this as part of your happy dream experience. The frantic seeking and despair are of ego, but the love and joining are not.
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