Letters To and From Spirit
Please help me. I notice the part of me who is trying to figure something out. I notice I am still tempted into engaging with this more than I would like. I know you have told me I can not stop the part from trying to figure it out, but that I can remember again and again that it is not me and learn to step back from engaging with it in its pursuit. Please help me to do this now. Please help me remember there is nothing for me to figure out. Please help me remember my problems have already been solved.
Spirit, please help me.
Perfect Child of God,
Well done on noticing this ego temptation and bringing it to me to be repurposed. I have told you that you need do nothing to stop the part of you who is trying to figure it out. You do not need to figure out how to make it stop. Instead, you help yourself most by quickly remembering your practice and returning your mind to me instead. You have done this here. Let me help you now.
The part of your mind who is trying to figure it out is the part who would deny the solution you have already been given. It presents itself as trying to be helpful, but really it is a part hell-bent on denying any help. You need not judge it for its transgression. Remember it is not ultimately real. But you help yourself by quickly recalling that this “attempt to help” is really a thinly veiled attack on God’s plan for salvation, and returning your mind to me instead.
The part who is trying to figure it out is fearful of the solution you have already been given. It sees in it its own death. How can what was never real die? The part trying to figure it out can not answer this question. But You already know the answer.
With continued practice you will notice you are tempted less and less to engage with the part of your mind who is still trying to figure it out. You need not force this, this part is done for you as you play your part in choosing again.
Rejoice then that you do not need to figure out how to stop the part who is trying to figure it out! Rejoice that you have only one problem and it has already been solved! You have been given all you need in me, and I will gladly help you as you continue to choose again.
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