Letters To and From Spirit
Please help me. I notice my self becoming irritated with my guidance and situations that I seem to find my self in. The irritation with you and my guidance feels particularly sticky, as I am then tempted to feel irritated with my self for being irritated with you. I see the trap. I’d like to return to my right mind and look at this together instead. Please help me to repurpose this tricky feeling. Please help me remember that all things can be used for my good, even the little self’s irritation. Please help me see this differently.
Spirit, please help me.
Precious Child of God,
Well done on bringing this irritation to me so you can break the repeating cycle of being irritated with your own irritation. You’ll recall that all feelings are about your self, and so as you notice the irritation you feel for your self you notice the true root of the irritation. In the dream experience it seems you are first irritated with someone or something else - even be it with me and your guidance - and then become irritated with your self as a reaction to the initial irritation. But in truth there is no one else, so the only irritation that seems to exist is really only for the little self that you think you are.
Let not the irritation with “others” distract you then. I am not hurt by your irritation with me. Notice irritation when it comes up, and quickly remember that this too is simply fodder for your forgiveness practice. You do not help your self by doubling down on irritation. You help yourself by choosing to return to your right mind and allowing the feeling to be repurposed instead. You have done this here. You can be certain that healing is occurring now.
The irritation is not real and results from false beliefs, but it can be something you learn to feel immense gratitude for as it is the way to remember the home you never left. As you learn to feel gratitude in the face of this and any other disturbance of peace, you’ll notice that you naturally interrupt the cycle of becoming further irritated with the irritation. Allow gratitude to be centered in your practice. I will help you if you are willing. This is your task now. Delay will only seem to prolong your experience of irritation.
Be grateful that you understand your part in God’s plan for salvation! Be grateful that the very things that disturb you are the very things that fuel your practice and thus help you to wake up to your true reality! Be grateful that there is no problem, and that the one problem you seemed to have has already been solved!
There are two interpretations available to you as you continue your practice: you can continue to be irritated with where you seem to be and what you seem to be required to do, or you can be grateful for the simplicity and ubiquitous nature of this practice. This is the choice that is always available to you. Keep choosing again.
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