Letters To and From Spirit

On false identifications

Sep 4, 2023

To Spirit:


Please help me. I notice false identities that I cling to and that block my function as the light of the world. I notice that some roles and feelings are so familiar to me that I slip into them almost without noticing. I recognize that these false identifications are being brought to my attention so they can be practiced with and released. I am willing to be helped with this. Please help me to notice the false identifications that are like old familiar clothes that I’ve become comfortable in. Please help me let go of identifying as tired, sad, and all alone. Please help me remember my true identity.

Spirit, please help me.

From Spirit:

Holy one,

You are the light of the world. Accept nothing less as an identification. You are noticing false identifications that you have clung to and that are not serving you and your purpose. You have highlighted feeling tired, sad, and lonely, in addition to roles that you seem to play. You have done well to notice these false identities and bring them to me. Let me help you now.

False identifications are simply false beliefs about your self that you have accepted as truths. You have become so accustomed to feeling tired, lonely, and sad, that part of you has accepted them as your identity. You will continue to seem to experience that which you accept, however. You will do well to notice these feelings and roles you have come to accept, and to no longer settle for anything that blocks your light. Bring them to me when you notice them. This is how you will remember your true identity and function.

You have accepted many roles that do not belong to you in truth. You are not your job, your relationship roles, nor the feelings that you wear like old familiar clothes. You need not attempt to stop the dream character from having these types of identities, but you help yourself by remembering they are not really you.

Bring the false identities to me when you notice them, and you’ll notice that over time you will identify with them less and less. It is possible for you to watch your dream character in her roles and identities and remember that she is not you. You have been doing this, your task now is to practice this even more.

Rejoice that the false identifications of feeling tired, sad, and alone are coming up to be healed! Rejoice that they can be shed as quickly and easily as you are willing! And rejoice that you have been given me, so you may never fully forget your true identity!

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